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L'Oreal Cushion Foundation

Photo from L'Oreal Japan website

I wanted to let you all know that L'Oreal has recently released a new cushion foundation called Lucent Magique Cushion Lumiere to the Japanese cosmetic market. I do have a friend who lives in Japan and she confirms this product is currently being sold in Japan! I have another friend in Hong Kong and this product is also being sold there too! The link included in this post is from the L'Oreal Japan website. As indicated on the website, it comes in only two colors and has an SPF 29 PA+++. The cushion in Hong Kong is also sold in two colors but they have different numbers and color names here!

Honestly, this comes as no surprise! L'Oreal, who owns Lancome recently release a cushion style foundation here in the US. With all the hype over cushion style foundations, L'Oreal needs to stay competitive by tapping into the "Korean style" cushion type of foundation. I am curious to find out if L'Oreal plans on releasing a similar cushion style foundation to the Western markets aside from the pricier Lancome Miracle Cushion which retails for $46.50! I have emailed L'Oreal and await their response. I will update you all when I find out more! Thanks for reading and take care!

What are your thoughts?? 

Stay Beautiful ❤️

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  1. qwewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewe


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